CITY PLANNING BOARD MEETING - Thursday, May 28 at 6 p.m. Participate by clicking HERE just before the meeting. Or, call 1-312-626-6799 and use meeting ID: 943 4257 7550.
During the public comments AFTER the presentations, you can “RAISE YOUR HAND” in Zoom to speak in support of moving forward the Land Use Changes (#10, 11, 12) proposed by TLAG to change the North and South fields to Open Space.
You don’t have to say much – just what makes you passionate about Open Space in Gunbarrel? Here are some reminders why these DEDICATED lands should be converted to Open Space above any other use:
Wildlife corridor connection
Nationally recognized Wetlands
28 Species of Concern
Single lane road – no on-road parking (cant fit emergency vehicles through)
Due to CoVid – Open space has been overrun – we need more of it to support the 12,300 residents of Gunbarrel
TL Openspace is the most used in the system (visitors vs size)
The infrastructure of TL is crumbling (water, sewer)
Walkability scores
The carrying capacity of Gunbarrel has been exceeded with the addition of 550 NEW dwelling units since 2015 BVCP with no amenities
Gunbarrel taxed ourselves for 11 years (GPID) for Open space and there’s still $600k due from the County in the form of open space.
Misleading Government bodies saying these lands were ‘always designated for housing’
Whatever makes you feel passionate about open space and these two fields!
We need everyone to participate! And this is only STEP ONE!! On Tuesday, June 2nd, the City Council is supposed to hear the same BVCP land-use change requests!
Thank you all for your continued support!!
Dave – TLAG Chair