1:30 PM13:30

Boulder County Planning Commission Meeting

Planning Commission will be meeting virtually on Wednesday, June 17, 2020, at 1:30 pm. The BVCP update is the last item on the agenda. Planning Commission won't be making any decisions but they will be hearing public testimony and providing staff with feedback to help us identify future projects and plan our work program. The Microsoft Teams platform is used for public meetings. The Planning Commission webpage (link below) includes helpful information on how to join the meeting. 

What Boulder County Planning Commission 

When - Wednesday, June 17, 2020 at 1:30 pm

Where/Register https://bouldercounty.wufoo.com/forms/z1mpjgf1br0ry5/

Why - to discuss the 2020 BVCP update

How - Join by computer or phone

Meeting Agenda

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6:00 PM18:00

Boulder City Council Meeting

The public can  click here to watch the meetings online or view them on Boulder 8 TV on Comcast in high definition on channel 880 or standard definition on channel 8. 

June 2 Council Meeting Speaker Sign-up:

The applicant presentations will proceed in the same order and fashion as was done for the Planning Board last week.

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6:00 PM18:00


CITY PLANNING BOARD MEETING - Thursday, May 28 at 6 p.m. Participate by clicking HERE just before the meeting. Or, call 1-312-626-6799 and use meeting ID: 943 4257 7550.

During the public comments AFTER the presentations, you can “RAISE YOUR HAND” in Zoom to speak in support of moving forward the Land Use Changes (#10, 11, 12) proposed by TLAG to change the North and South fields to Open Space.

You don’t have to say much – just what makes you passionate about Open Space in Gunbarrel?  Here are some reminders why these DEDICATED lands should be converted to Open Space above any other use:

  1. Hydrology

  2. Wildlife corridor connection

  3. Nationally recognized Wetlands

  4. 28 Species of Concern

  5. Single lane road – no on-road parking (cant fit emergency vehicles through)

  6. Due to CoVid – Open space has been overrun – we need more of it to support the 12,300 residents of Gunbarrel

  7. TL Openspace is the most used in the system (visitors vs size)

  8. The infrastructure of TL is crumbling (water, sewer)

  9. Walkability scores

  10. The carrying capacity of Gunbarrel has been exceeded with the addition of 550 NEW dwelling units since 2015 BVCP with no amenities

  11. Gunbarrel taxed ourselves for 11 years (GPID) for Open space and there’s still $600k due from the County in the form of open space.

  12. Misleading Government bodies saying these lands were ‘always designated for housing’

  13. Whatever makes you feel passionate about open space and these two fields!

We need everyone to participate!  And this is only STEP ONE!!  On Tuesday, June 2nd, the City Council is supposed to hear the same BVCP land-use change requests! 

Thank you all for your continued support!!

Dave – TLAG Chair

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2:30 PM14:30

State Court Of Appeals Oral Arguments


Court of Appeals Courtroom 1st Floor
2 East 14th Avenue
Denver, Colorado 80203

The hearing will also be streamed live at: https://www.courts.state.co.us/Courts/live/

Back in August of 2017, a group of 10 TLAG members filed suit for the wrongful taking of the north Twin Lakes field.  This suit was based on the fact that the property owners within the Gunbarrel Public Improvement District (GPID), voted in 1993 to tax ourselves to raise almost TWO MILLION dollars for the explicit purpose of purchasing undeveloped lands and keep them as Open Space.  As of this writing, the County still owes almost $600,000 to the tax payers of Gunbarrel in the form of Open Space lands!

The North Twin Lakes field was the last vacant, undeveloped land in the GPID that was available for sale, but when the County purchased the lot, they decided NOT to honor their obligation to the tax payers by fulfilling their commitment and converting the land to Open Space. 

So, we find ourselves in the unfortunate position that the only remedy left to the tax payers is to file suit against the County.

In this latest hearing, each side will be given 15 minutes of oral arguments in front of three appellate judges. In our case it should be:
John Daniel Dailey
David Furman
Lino Lipinsky de Orlov

Only the lawyers for the two side speak during this hearing. After the hearing, the judges will issue a written ruling - this could take weeks or even months. 

This is a public hearing and everyone is welcome to attend (address listed above).  If you cannot attend in person, the hearing will be live streamed at the link above.  If you have any questions, feel free to write us at tlag.inbox@gmail.com

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3:00 PM15:00

Boulder County Parks & Open Space Public Hearing

Help Preserve Open Space Lands by Attending and Speaking at this Important Meeting 

When:  Thursday, November 8, 2018
Time:  3:00 p.m.
Place:  Boulder County Courthouse, 1325 Pearl Street, 3rd floor

Sign up to speak: Outside the meeting room, there is a sign-up sheet.  3 minutes of speaking time for an individual & up to 10 minutes by pooling with 3 others.  Some talking points are listed below.
This is a critical meeting.  The Boulder County Commissioners are considering removing the designation of Open Space from selected Boulder County Open Space trail corridors (this includes Twin Lakes!), where e-bike access is deemed appropriate.   The implications of this proposed change are enormous for the entire County.

Please come and urge the Commissioners to leave our Open Space trail corridors in Open Space.  Open Space is protected and paid for with our hard earned tax dollars.

There are 41 miles of trails covering ~ 153 acres that could be affected by decisions made on Thursday.  Please make an effort to attend this meeting and speak.  Each speaker will get 3 minutes to speak.  Speakers can pool time up to 10 minutes.
If you cannot make the meeting, writing a letter is an important way to get your voice heard.

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10:00 AM10:00

Boulder County Commissioner District 3 Candidates Forum/Meet & Greet

The Boulder County Commissioner District 3 Candidates Forum/Meet and Greet is Saturday, Oct. 27 from 10:00 a.m. to Noon in the Boulder Rural Fire Protection District Community Room at 6230 Lookout Road, Gunbarrel.  The event will be sponsored by Greater Gunbarrel.  Doors open at 9:45 a.m. 

Each candidate will be given five minutes for opening remarks to address why they decided to run for Boulder County Commissioner and what county issues are most important to them.

After the opening remarks, a moderator will ask questions to each candidate and each candidate will be given three minutes to reply.  The order in which the candidate's reply will be rotated so each candidate has a chance to go first, second, and third in the order, they respond to the questions.  The questions will be provided to the candidates ahead of time.  During the forum, candidates are welcome to take notes on what the other candidates say but candidates will not be given time to respond to answers from the other candidates.  At the end of this question session, two or three additional questions will be asked of the candidates from questions submitted on index cards by audience members.  A panel will select the questions from those submitted from the audience.  All questions will focus on issues relevant to Gunbarrel.

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to Aug 25


The Greater Gunbarrel community and local businesses have generously donated a number of items for our TLAG's 2018 On-line Auction.  Take a look, and bid on that item you never knew you always wanted.  All proceeds support TLAG and it's mission in protecting the zoned rural-residential look and feel of our neighborhood and adjacent lands; and to preventing the terrible precedent of using county-owned Open Space for city annexation to enable development.

Go to https://www.accelevents.com/events/tlag2018 beginning at 8am, August 15.  Continue bidding and shopping until 5pm, August 25.  You can bid online or by text message.  And you can donate to TLAG without buying anything as well. The auction site will inform you if you are outbid to give you the chance to get the items in which you are interested.

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12:00 PM12:00

TLAG Fundraiser at Café Blue

Come Eat, Enjoy Beverages and Raise Funds for TLAG!

TLAG members have file a lawsuit to preserve the rural residential look and feel of Gunbarrel, which is the core of TLAG’s mission. TLAG AND ITS MEMBERS NEED YOUR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE TO ACCOMPLISH THIS MISSION!

To that end— CAFÉ BLUE will host a FUNDRAISER Saturday, Sept. 16 from Noon to 3p.m. 

TLAG is asking for a $20+ per person donation for lunch and reduced priced beverages.  Come by and learn more about the lawsuit, socialize with your neighbors and help preserve open spaces in Gunbarrel!  Please RSVP to tlag.inbox@gmail.com

TLAG, as a direct beneficiary of this suit, is supporting it in every way—most importantly through FUNDRAISING!  We need to raise $35,000 by the end of October 2017!


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1:00 PM13:00

Planning Commission and BOCC Joint Public Hearing

URGENT: Preserve the 4-Body Review!

Planning Commission (PC) and the Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) will hold a joint public hearing on all matters related to final approval of the 2015 Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan Major Update (Docket BVCP-15-0001) pertaining to Boulder County, including policies, text, and maps, and proposed CU South land use map changes. The scope of the hearing will also include renewal of the Comprehensive Development Plan IGA between Boulder County and the City of Boulder (IGA-17-0001). The Planning Commission and BOCC will accept both written and oral testimony. The hearing will include a staff presentation, staff answering clarifying questions for the Planning Commission and BOCC.

Deliberation and decision making will not occur at the hearing. Planning Commission’s decision meeting regarding BVCP-15-0001 will take place on July 19 at 1:30 p.m. and the BOCC’s decision meeting regarding BVCP-15-0001 and IGA-17-0001 will take place on July 26 at 4 p.m.

For more meeting information and speaker sign up, visit the following: https://www.bouldercounty.org/property-and-land/land-use/planning/bvcp-2015-boulder-valley-comprehensive-plan-update/

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6:00 PM18:00

Public Hearing for the BVCP

Even after months of public comment, our elected officials are moving forward with a Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan that STRIPS the rights from County residents!  The BVCP has turned into the “Boulder City Building Plan!”

Voting on this final draft is coming up QUICK!  Next TUESDAY, May 23rd, 6pm, at the City Municipal Building (1777 Broadway) will be the LAST opportunity for PUBLIC COMMENT on this plan, with a VOTE for adoption from the City Planning Board scheduled for Thursday the 25th!  The City Council will vote on June 13th.

Read it for yourself!  Here's the link to the “New” plan with redlines so you can see the changes:  https://www-static.bouldercolorado.gov/docs/REDLINED_BVCP_2015_Adoption_Draft_May_23_2017-1-201705152108.pdf?_ga=2

We need everyone  to come to this meeting to voice your opinion of these drastic changes in Boulder’s future!  If you can’t attend, please continue to write to the City and County boards:  http://www.tlag.org/write-a-letter/


WHERE:  City Municipal Building (1777 Broadway)
WHEN:  6pm
WHAT: Final Public Hearing on the Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan before May 25 adoption vote!

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1:30 PM13:30

County Planning Commission Hearing on the Land-use Change Requests

CALL TO ACTION - WE NEED EVERYONE TO ATTEND!! Even if you can't be at the whole meeting. Numbers are everything!

CRITICAL MEETING for all who can attend: County Planning Commission hearing on the land-use change requests for Twin Lakes properties.
WHERE:  County Hearing room, 1325 Pearl Street, third floor
WHEN:  Tentatively 1:30pm, but there is discussion of moving this to the evening so more people can attend.
WHAT: In this meeting, the planning commissioners will hear NEW testimony for the Twin Lakes properties. Additionally, written testimony will be provided directly to the CPC.

The Twin Lakes land use is docket item #4, so it will be another long meeting.  New public testimony will be taken! 

MAKE A PUBLIC COMMENT  here  (click on Public Comment and scroll down to the submission form). 

You can sign up to speak
here as an individual and with poolers here. (Let us know if you need a pooler.) 

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4:30 PM16:30

TLAG Community Meeting

TLAG community meeting (4:30 p.m.to 6:30 p.m.) at the Boulder Rural Fire Department Board Room, 6230 Lookout Rd.  This is an opportunity for anyone to get updates from the TLAG  board in preparation for our hearing on the 18th.  We can discuss speaking topics, how to sign up for speaking at the meeting, procedures, etc.

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