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County Planning Commission Hearing on the Land-use Change Requests

CALL TO ACTION - WE NEED EVERYONE TO ATTEND!! Even if you can't be at the whole meeting. Numbers are everything!

CRITICAL MEETING for all who can attend: County Planning Commission hearing on the land-use change requests for Twin Lakes properties.
WHERE:  County Hearing room, 1325 Pearl Street, third floor
WHEN:  Tentatively 1:30pm, but there is discussion of moving this to the evening so more people can attend.
WHAT: In this meeting, the planning commissioners will hear NEW testimony for the Twin Lakes properties. Additionally, written testimony will be provided directly to the CPC.

The Twin Lakes land use is docket item #4, so it will be another long meeting.  New public testimony will be taken! 

MAKE A PUBLIC COMMENT  here  (click on Public Comment and scroll down to the submission form). 

You can sign up to speak
here as an individual and with poolers here. (Let us know if you need a pooler.)